Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Beautiful, Laborless, Santa Barbara Day

I hope you had a wonderful and laborless Labor Day! I spent mine on a boat, sailing around gorgeous Santa Barbara with some of my favorite people. 

Not too shabby, not too shabby at all. 

Can you guess which of the above pics were taken with Madeleine's super cool and professional camera, and which were taken with my iPhone? 

Yeah, I couldn't tell the difference either. 
(Remind me to put "Invest in a big girl camera" on the 2014 Bucket List)

I spent the day staring at my beautiful home, and wondering how on earth I got lucky enough to live here. 

I also spent it screeching with joy at every animal that we saw. 

Thank you, God, for making this world such a beautiful and incredible place to be. 


  1. Oh lucky you, I would love to spend a day like that! How cool are those dolphins, just amazing!

  2. Such a lovely weeekend! I wish i was closer to the beach!

  3. It looks like you had a beautiful day out on the water! Clearly I need to visit SB NOW.

  4. Looks like such a beautiful day! Glad you got to enjoy it all, girl :)

  5. looks so beautiful! it's awesome you spotted whales/dolphins (it was that right? lol) i'd be screeching with joy too!

  6. I want to move to Santa Barbara and go sailing with you and your friends!

  7. So beautiful! Love the dolphin shots!

  8. What a beautiful, lovely day! It looks like you had a wonderful weekend, friend :)

  9. Ahhh! How awesome! What a great day!

  10. Hey there, gorgeous!! I'm so glad you had a relaxing time ;)

  11. That looks amazing!! So happy you are enjoying this lovely day! What are you doing in the afternoon? Will there be grilling burgers? Ooh that sounded good, LOL!

  12. What a fabulous way to spend your Labor Day! I'm slightly jealous. ;-)

  13. WOW! I'm jealous of your Labor-less day :). Glad your day was fabulous!

  14. You really do have a beautiful place to live! Sometimes it's really nice to just take some days to enjoy that!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  15. You really do have a beautiful place to live! Sometimes it's really nice to just take some days to enjoy that!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  16. This makes me miss living on the coast oh so much!

  17. Remind me to come hang out with you and your friends next Labor Day, haha! Looks like a great time! :)
