Monday, March 18, 2013

A Weekend Outdoors

Sometimes, you just need a weekend outdoors to appreciate how beautiful God's creation is. 

This weekend was one of those weekends for me. It was filled with almost all of my favorite people, and left me feeling incredibly grateful. 

Grateful that God put so much beauty in this world for us to enjoy. 

Grateful that I live in this incredible place called Santa Barbara. Where within 5 minutes, you can drive from the beach to the mountains. 

Grateful that I have so many incredible friends. And grateful that my friends are now becoming friends :)

And with that, I leave you a zilliontrillion photos. 

Because sometimes, no captions are necessary. 

Happy Monday, loves!

Have yourself a great one :)


  1. Santa barbara looks beautiful. I thought it was a crowded city. Looks like you had fun. :)

  2. Looks like an amazing weekend :)

  3. Looks so fun!! I want to go camping!!!

  4. This looks like the beyond perfect weekend. I love camping! So glad you had such a good time, friend!

  5. looks quite refreshing! glad you had such a lovely weekend!

  6. What a beautiful beach! Wish I was there right now instead of cold Canada :P xo

  7. How fun!!! I wish I lived closer to you :)
    Much Love!

  8. looks like fun! And that girl just had her first smore, EVER?? Life changing moment you got to experience. ;) Now I want one.

  9. santa barbara is gorgeous it is hard not to be outside when the weather is just so gorgeous! say hi to tabitha for me

  10. Wow, that looks like fun! I haven't been camping in years (and to be honest, I've never done it for real...I cheated in a pop-up camper).

    Also, dumb question, but how do you make your picture collages?

  11. Looks like y'all had a great time, and got some relaxing AND fun mixed in there!

  12. Looks like such a wonderful time! Beautiful scenery and good friends are a great combination! :)

  13. Looks like you had SO much fun! Once again, totally jealous of all of the adventurous things you do!!

    (I'm catching up on your blog lol!)

  14. So jealous you got to go camping! One of my favorite things ever!

  15. Gorgeous weekend pictures!!! Glad you had a great one!

  16. Beautiful my love!!! Love camping on the beach.
