Sweet Home Santa Barbara

Thursday, September 25, 2014

She Is Beautiful! {Race Review}

Last year, I developed a slight obsession with races. I ran 5Ks, 10Ks, a 15K, half marathons, a color run, a bubble run, aaand you catch my drift. I just really fell in love with that runner's high that enhances when surrounded by hundreds of other runners. 

There was one race that really stood out from the others, and it wasn't just because of the stunning beach-side course (see above picture). It was because of the entirely contagious positive and encouraging atmosphere.

She Is Beautiful had their 3rd annual Santa Barbara run this past weekend, and as soon as the race was announced, I knew I had to run it again. 

The event did not disappoint, and I think the pictures prove it. 

Shout out to Tabitha, who designed our amazinggg shirts!

My family was in town helping my brother move to Santa Barbara (Reeds are just drawn here), so it was great to have my mom and sister at the finish line. 

Running never fails to make me feel strong, capable, and amazed at what this body can do. I can't help but reflect each race on the fact that not too long ago, I hated running. Like, legit hated it. The thought of a 10K used to intimidate the heck out of me, and now, it's my favorite distance. 

She Is Beautiful takes that "you are strong, capable, and your body can do anything" message and puts it on blast alllll through out the course. There are signs everywhere encouraging you every step of the way. Whether you're doing the 5K or 10K, you're going to cross that finish line feeling accomplished, empowered and inspired, no doubt. 

I already can't wait until next year!


Mosby Hardin said...

I really need to get back into running! I love the races too!!

Tabitha said...

Love! Thanks for the shout-out! :-P

Angela said...

What a great race to do!! Before I got pregnant I just started running... and I always hateddddd it! I got up to a mile without stopping and feeling like I was going to die and that was a big deal for me. I know it will be hard once I start trying to run again, but I have hope. :)

Pamela said...

Such cute tank tops!! Love that last picture!