Sweet Home Santa Barbara

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Your Questions Answered - Random!

I bet you thought I forgot about the rest of these, huh?

Nooope! I did not! Here are the rest of the questions that didn't fit into the Health, Fitness & Fashion, or Family & Faith categories. 


Lauren asked What are your favorite toppings on pizza? What movie are you popping in on a night alone with this pizza? 

Yum! This makes me hungry just thinking about it. Since I'm vegetarian, I love me pretty much any veggie toppings. I do have to say that margherita pizza is a favorite, and I'd probably make it even more amazing (and healthy) by adding feta cheese on top. 

And thick crust. I am definitely a thick crust girl. 

As for a movie? I'd pop in just about any chick flick. I am a total chick flick girl. 


Jena and Jessica both asked for some random facts about myself. So here we go, 3 things that you probably don't know about me. 

1. You may have seen this on Twitter or Instagram (both @sweethomesb), but I am officially in the process of preparing for my first mission trip!!

That's right! Consider this the official blog announcement that if all goes as planned, I will be going to Uganda in January!

And get this, I'm going with a blog friend!! Diana is amazing. I really can't believe we haven't actually met in real life yet, because she has seriously become one of my best friends. 

This will be both of our first mission trips, and our first time out of the country! God is so, so cool. 

2. I am fairly certain that I like every single type of food. 

Indian, Thai, Mexican, sushi, Vietnamese, Chinese, American, Italian, I really think I like it all. 

Let's make this a challenge. Anyone got any types of food that I didn't mention?

3. I have never lived more than 5 minutes away from the ocean.

Rough life, I know.

Although, I guess the real unknown fact is I'm starting to think that may change in the next couple years. 

Whooo knows? :)

{God does.}


And there we have it, folks! My answers to your wonderful questions. Thank you so much for taking the time to ask! This was so much fun, I definitely will need to do it again :)

Happy Thursday!


Pamela said...

Can't wait to hear more details about this Uganda trip!!!!

katie_shannon said...

So excited to be going on your first mission trip! You will be so blessed.

So I'm super jealous that you have always lived so close to the ocean. I'm not ashamed. Jealous, I tell ya ;)

Caravan Sonnet said...

These are so delightfully fun!! :) I can not wait to hear more about the mission trip and will be praying for y'all!! That sounds amazing and a life-changing trip to be sure!!
:) Rebecca
p.s.- It looks like I am headed back out to california for some more treatment in September and would love to try and work it out to meet!! :)
p.s.- I agree with the others- I am totally jealous over you living so close to the ocean! :)

Kerrie Williams said...

I"m so so so happy about Uganda!!!

Julie said...

Okay so first thing, I love margherita pizza with a passion. I vote we get one and watch chick flicks together! And secondly, CONGRATS on the mission trip! Can't wait to see this plan unfolding in front of you and as you prepare to go! Yay!

Kiki said...

Okay, so I'm really glad I'm catching up on your blog now and read this one first. I LOVE margherita pizza, too and I love that Julie, you and I all love it.

Secondly, I know I said this on instagram, but I'm so excited for your upcoming mission trip! That is so so awesome and it makes me fall in love with your passionate + obedient heart. :)

Leah said...

how exciting Amy. can't wait to read more on how it all unfolds, it will definitely be an amazing experience.
and margherita pizza is one of my faves. i swear someone pretty close is having some kind of pizza for lunch. i can smell it!!

henning love said...

im right there with you about any types of cuisine of food i like it all!! that is so awesome you are going on a missions trip, cant wait to hear all about it!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to hear more about Uganda! My first mission trip was definitely something I will never forget and I hope you have a good time and that God blesses you, your trip and the people you meet along the way.

That's awesome you live so close to the ocean! I'm a tad jealous but it must be refreshing and inspiring to live by the waves!

xo, gina

Danielle said...

You didnt mention Swedish food ;) haha

Tabitha said...

Romanian food! Let's go to Anaheim so you can try it at the best place EVER (except for Actual Romania). :)

Lauren {at} Life.Love.Lauren said...

Yay for Uganda! One of my favorite veggie pizzas I have tried was a zucchini and eggplant one with feta cheese as well as a combination of basil and red sauce. Sounds crazy but I promise it was crazy good!