Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Little Late...

What I'm Thankful For:

Better late than never, right? I figure I'm 22 years old, so I'll list 22 things that I'm thankful for this holiday season (+maybe a few pics). 

1. Mom and Dad: I can definitely say that I would not be where I am today without the help and support of my parents. I don't know how they do it all, but I'm so thankful that they do.

2. My Brother and Sister: The best brother and sister that I can ask for. I love that I can come home and act like a kid again.

3. My amazing Grandma: She is the strongest, smartest and kindest woman that I know. She has always believed in me, and is always encouraging me to be the best that I can be. 

4. My Aunts, Uncles and Cousins: I am so incredibly thankful for my extended family. I love the times that we all get together, and I'm so glad that I live close enough to see them often.

5. My amazing friends: I am SO thankful for all of these people. From my best friends in Santa Barbara that I get to see every day, to those that I don't see as often as I'd like. Thank you all for always being there for me, I don't know what I'd do without you. 

6. The Designated Drivers: For turning "that place I went to college" into home.

7. The Boyfriend: For being awesome, and dealing with me when I'm annoying.

(Side Note: No more cheesy stuff. Promise.)

8. Our house. It's termite free. Aka the best house EVER.

9. My job. The company. My amazing coworkers. All that good stuff.

10. Wine.

11. Cheese.

12. My Cooking Light cook book. I couldn't cook without it. And it hasn't failed me so far. (Except for that one mashed potatoes incident that was more me than the cook book, but we don't talk about that.)

13. My dogs. Both my two pups at home and Carly's dog Scooby.

14. My car, Ginny. 

15. The gorgeous Santa Barbara weather. Oh and the fact that the two places that I call home are Santa Barbara and San Diego. Really thankful for that.

16. Movie theaters. I absolutely love going to the movies. Hence why I collect my movie tickets.

17. PTO, or Paid Time Off. It's amazing. I can take a day off, and still get paid? What?

18. On that note, Paid Holidays. Getting paid to spend time with the fam? Pretty awesome.

19. Weekends. They are amazing. Even if I do nothing all day (which let's be real, I usually do.)

20. The gorgeous view of the coast that I get to see on my drive between Santa Barbara and San Diego. 

21. Christmas lights. And the fact that I now live in a neighborhood where I can appreciate them.

22. The fact that God has blessed me so much with so many amazing things to be thankful for. 

I am one lucky girl. Happy Belated Thanksgiving, everyone!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weekend Details

Last Weekend: We went to a WEDDING!

Our first wedding where it was our friends getting married, to be exact. I can't believe that I'm at the age where my friends are getting married, but I could not be more excited. We also celebrated another couple's engagement last weekend, so it was quite a romance-filled weekend. The wedding was beautiful, and out of a day of sporadic hailing (seriously, Santa Barbara?) the ceremony just missed the rain. Congratulations to the newlyweds, Justine and Boz!

These are the love birds (aren't I a pro at photo shop?)
All ready for the wedding

The beautiful Bride and Groom

Next Weekend: We are going to VEGAS!

To celebrate this girl's birthday:

The lovely Heather FINALLY turned 21 this month. And true story, I almost didn't make it on this Vegas trip. The weekend before Halloween, I managed to misplace my ID. Leave it to me to lose my ID weeks before a Vegas trip. Well, somehow luck was on my side when I got my new ID not even 7 days after going to the DMV, and conveniently on Heather's actual birthday. That was fun news to give her on her birthday. So I'm going to Vegas with two of my favorite people:

And some of Heather's other friends. I'm so excited for a Vegas trip, and in preparation here are just a sample of photos from Kristi and my adventures from past Vegas visits.

Did we plan to match? Nope. Do we feel dumb looking back? Yupp.

We got awkward with old age
Heather, I could not be more excited to help you celebrate your 21st! Vegas, here we come!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Adventures!

So I've kind of really sucked at blogging lately. My bad for all those people who religiously read my blog. Anyway, Halloween just recently passed, and we sure did our part to celebrate it. We were pretty excited to actually live in a neighborhood where we would get trick-or-treaters, so we of course had to go all out with decorations. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of our amazingly decorated front/back yard (bad blogger!), but I did document our pumpkin patch visit!

We decided to throw a Housewarming/Halloween Dinner Party, and I was pretty pleasantly surprised with the turn out! We had quite a crowded house with lots of amazing food, so I would say it was a pretty successful party. We're now gearing up for an Ugly Sweater Party during the Holiday Season. Here are some pics:

Kristi and I were Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
The Housemates

Carly and James

The sisters

Robert decided to just be sexy for Halloween

And a throwback to when we first did the Tweedle costume:
About 4 years ago
Well that sure makes me feel old, but I'd say we improved the costume a bit. Well, I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Bring on the next Holidays, you know our house will be ready. Happy Friday!